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Liczba odsłon: 10687802


Grafika rezerwatówRozporządzenie nr 64/99 Wojewody Podkarpackiego z dnia 31 sierpnia 1999r. Dz.Urz.Woj. Podkarpackiego nr 20 z ...

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Liczba odsłon: 10687933

Established in: 1993
Area: 25 654 H, including 12 320 H of forests and woodlands (47,5%),
8140 H of arable lands (32 %) and 2706 ha of meadows and grasslands (11%)
Location: boroughs of Korczyna (23,7 % of the Park), Frysztak (17,4 %), Wojaszówka ( 15,8% ), Strzyżów (17,1%), Wiśniowa (7,5%), Jasienica Rosielna (5,7%), Niebylec (4,1 %), Brzostek (4%), Wielopole Skrzyńskie (2,8%) and Domaradz (1%).

Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park protects the most valuable sites of the Strzyżowskie and Dynowskie Highlands separated by the Wisłok River's antecedent valley, and makes them available for leisure and tourist purposes. 
To protect the natural landscape park against adverse external conditions and in order to preserve aesthetical qualities of the landscape, the park has been surrounded by a 34 392 H large protection area which forms its buffer zone. 
Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park is located in the the West Carpathians Province, in the south part of the Strzyżowskie Highlands and in the south-west part of the Dynowskie Highlands separated by the Wisłok River's valley. It mainly comprises of the hills range which differs from the northern, lower parts of the Dynowskie and Strzyżowskie Highlands and (even more so) from the Jasielsko-Krośnieńska Dale from the south side. The park's highest mountain – Sucha Góra (585 m), towers 300 meters above the bottom of the Jasielsko-Sanockie Pits. 
The main hills range runs (in a typically Carpathian manner) from north-west to south-east. It starts on the west from fragmented banks of the Klonowa Góra (525 m), Bard (534 m) and Chełm (528 m) mountains. Then it lowers and descends in the direction of the park's largest river - Wisłok. A chain of gradually elevating hilltops stretches behind an interesting gorge called the "Frysztacka Gate", they include: Herby (469 m) and Czarnówka (491 m) mountains, which via several smaller hills are connected with Królewska Góra (554m) and Sucha Góra (585m) separated by the Czarny Potok Valley. Another range with thinner woodstand runs from the Sucha Góra towards the Stobnica Valley; it consists of the following peaks: Czosnki (476 m), Kopce (484 m) and Grudna (479 m). Short and somewhat alienated Czarny Dział (479 m and 516 m) and Brzezanka (477 m) hilltops are situated to the north from the Sucha Góra massif. 
The landscape park belongs to a large geological unit, i.e. Flish Carpathians, which were formed in the course of Alpide orogeny processes. Geological bed originates from cretaceous period (Mesozoic era) and tertiary period (Cenozoic era), its rocks form the so called Carpathian Flish. The bedrock comprises sandstones featuring diverse levels of concentration: loams, argillaceous silts, marls and puddingstones formed in alternate layers. The rocks form several layers with different composition, which were exposed to tectonic processes, as a result of which they were gradually pushed north as huge nappes and finally covered previous formations. Three layers of the Carpathian Flish - Silesian Nappe, Lower-Silesian Nappe and Sokolska Nappe are alternately located on the park's area shaping the geological structure of the site. 
Geological structure influences altitudinal hill system (typical of flish foothills) separated by land falls which are intersected by rivers and streams. The highest mountain ranges in the area similar to the highest mid-mountainous level with steep, very often edgy slopes. Aside from mountain ranges there are also wide land falls creating the landscape of flat and small hilltops with slopes inclined by 5-15 degrees and trough very often flat-bottomed valleys. Preserved storeyed layers, e.g. Klonowa Góra range which transforms into the Jazowa massif behind the Wisłok gorge, is very characteristic element of the site. Clusters of small rocks dispersed on the hilltops have diverse physical composition and could be described as standalone outcrops of original shapes. This unique topography as well as landscape qualities are well-protected by "Herby" - forest and geological reserve. The title of the most renown and noticeable element of the Hillside, however, shoud be given to impressive and fancifully shaped sandstone rocks located in the "Prządki" geological reserve and nearby the Kamieniec castle in Odrzykoń. 
Numerous groups of rocks may be also found in Pietrusza Wola, Łączki Jagiellońskie and Wola Komborska, where one of the hat-shaped rocks was named after "Konfederatka" (a national Polish hat) and is protected as a nature monument. The above mentioned rock formations are mainly located on the hilltops. These denudative rocks were created during geological processes of hilltops lowering and hillsides withdrawal. Ambos, walls and sills may be spotted in the area. 
Tectonic caves prove that the Park's geological formation is very varied. The most renowned caves are located close to the Królewska Góra.
The south slope of the Sucha Góra, on the other hand, features several cave-like galleries which were formed in the course of underground sandstone output.
The park and its buffer zone are located in the Carpathian eco-climate zone in the submontane macro region. The climate, in comparison to the remaining area of Poland (aside from the Sudetes) is cool and humid. Basically, it has the quality of a mountainous climate, i.e. air temperature lowers while precipitation increases along with the increase of height above sea level. 

Richness and variety of animal species populating the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park should be contributed to specific geographical location, unspoiled plant communities, meadows and pastures. It is also due to heterogeneity of farming, with woodlots and mid-field brushes. 
The park is situated between the northern boundary of mountainous species habitats and southern boundary of lowland species habitats, therefore mutual compenetration and substitution of species may be easily noticed here. 
The world of invertebrates is mainly represented by insects, including rare praying mantis. The park witnesses the life cycle of 225 vertebrate species, including 119 bird species, 49 mammal species, 35 fish species, 16 amphibian species and 6 reptile species. Most precious bird species are: black stork, lesser spotted eagle and eagle owl. Their nests are protected on the entire zone. Other valuable avifauna species should be mentioned as well, among others: corncrake, Ural owl, European honey buzzard and white-backed woodpecker. Among mammals, bats were subject to the most thorough examinations and described in great depth – bats population on the site include 9-10 species. The park is also inhabited by: roe deers, boars, beavers, badgers, beech martens and pine martens. 
Significant amount of fauna species inhabiting the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park populate the area in rather small numbers, very often on small local areas and are endangered with extinction. 
Some worth mentioning invertebrates include: the above mentioned praying mantis, rosalia longicorn, great capricorn beetle, stag beetle, pericallia, clouded apollo and scarce swallowtail. Valuable vertebrates shoud be mentioned as well: pink-headed duck, Kessler's gudgeon, spirlin, great crested newt, Carpathian newt, coronella austriaca, lesser spotted eagle, eagle owl, barn owl, bee-eater, green woodpecker, white-backed woodpecker, hoopoe, turtle-dove, forest dormouse, edibile dormouse, Bechstein's bat, hamster, badger, ermine. 
217 animal species subject to legal protection in Poland, including 134 bird species, 26 mammal species, 6 reptile species, 16 amphibian species and 5 protected fish species have been observed and properly documented in the Czarnorzecko - Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park. 

Flora of the vascular plants occurring in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park covers more than 800 species. Mountainous species constitute approx. 7.5% of the entire Park's flora. Montane species connected with mountainous forests level play the most important role in a group of mountainous plants. Number of other mountainous species populating other types of vegetation levels is smaller. Subalpine species do not occur in the Park. A group of submontane species, typical of lowland layer covers only 5 taxa. Xerothermic (thermophilic) plants include only 124 species (i.e. approx. 15% of entire flora). 64 protected species have been observed in the park, 48 are currently fully protected, while 16 are subject to seasonal protection. Most interesting specimen are as follows: Arum alpinum, ostrich fern, hart's-tongue fern, French rose, alpine squill, Staphylea pinnata and European yew. 
Synanthropic species which live near, and benefit from, human habitats constitute approx. 20% of the park's flora (177 species). Such species include native plants, old synanthropic plants associated with human habitats for thousands of years, newcomers with unknown proliferation history and agricultural species growing close to their original planting places. 
Among non-forest flora, entirely indigenous plant communities which originate, live and reproduce independently of human activities are relatively rare. Plants of this type include shrubs and wicker communities overgrowing riverside stones and herb communities. Such habitats include, e.g. riverside and stream stones, underground waters outflows and other water outflows. Developing herb communities of butterburs and great horsetails are believed to be entirely natural. Plant communities overgrowing lowland moors, e.g. Caricetum davallianae with cottongrass have utterly natural origin and properties. Significant part of herb communities has almost natural properties. Many reeds, herb communities of meadow type with forest bulrush, Filipendulo-Geranietum herb communities, horse mint community, flutter-rush pastures and communities with wood small-reeds belong to this group. 
Non-forest vegetation occurs on approximately 55% of the area and constitutes more than two-third of all plant communities and communities of similar phytosociological value found on the park's area. Therefore, it should be noted that non-forest groups play crucial role in preservation of reeds, herbs, moors, grasses, meadows and pastures communities. Such groups constitute a main biotope for many rare and endangered plant species subject to legal protection, e.g. species from the Orchidaceae Juss. fammily. Flowery grasses, meadows and herbs are populated by remarkable variety of invertebrate species (especially insects), which are much more diverse in comparison to those inhabiting forest communities. 
Non-forest communities are better protected due to traditional methods of agriculture, especially connected with meadows and herding activities. 
Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park's location next to the division line between Eastern and Western Carpathians and significant diversification of climate conditions determines richness and diversity of vegetal cover, including wood stands. Natural forest communities take up approximately 79.8% of the entire forest's area. Two vegetation levels may be found on the geobotanical area of the Strzyżowsko-Dynowskie Highlands part of which covers the entire park, namely: lowland layer and sub-montane level (approximately 7% of the forest area). 
Predominant communities populating sub-montane forests include Carpathian beech (Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum) and acidophilous beech (Luzulo nemorosae-Fagetum). Approximately 11.3% of the forests area is covered by fir-tree communities connected mainly with relatively flat slopes and flat areas between the mountain ridges in central and south-eastern part of the park. Oak-hornbeam forest takes up over 15.7% of the entire forests area. Riparian phytocenoses overgrow river valleys and are represented by: ash-alder riparian forest and sub-mountaneous ash riparian forest, transitional complexes and very rare complex of the Alnetum incanae alder forest. Riparian forests constitute approximately 1.4% of the entire forests area. Marshy Caltho-Alnetum Zarz alder forests overgrowing boggy land depressions are of marginal importance. Communities which developed on farmlands with predominant role of pine forests may be found across the entire area as well. 

Nature reserves in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park

No. Reserve name Area (H) Location Protection purposes
1 Herby 145.71 Boroughs: Frysztak and Wisniowa, Strzyżów Forest Inspectorate, Wiśniowa Forest Circle Preservation due to scientific, educational and landscape reasons of unique rock outcrops on the Herby mountain range overgrown with hornbeam forests and beechwood; exposed rock formations; and picturesque gorge of the Wisłok River and Frysztacka Gate.
2 Chełm Mountain 155.25 Boroughs: Frysztak and Wisniowa, Strzyżów Forest Inspectorate,Wiśniowa Forest Circle Preservation for scientific, educational and landscape reasons of beech forests sanctuary overgrowing the Chełm Mountain; and incredible communities populating the water-heads area.
3 Prządki named after Henryk Świdziński 13.62 Korczyna Borough Czarnorzeki and Korczyn towns, Kołaczyce Forest Inspectorate, Krosno Forest Circle, Odrzykoń Forest District Preservation due to scientific and landscape reasons of sandstone rocks group shaped in unique manner and formed during eolic erosion processes.

Nature monuments in the Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park

No. Mounument type Location Dimensions
1 Small-leaved Lime (Tilia Cordata) Wiśniowa Borough, town of Kozłówek, north-eastern side of the Church circumference: 580 cm, height: 25 m
2 "Poganin" (Heathen) Pedunculate Oak Korczyna Borough, town of Węglówka, nearby the old Orthodox Church circumference: 870 cm, height: 18 m, age: approx. 600 years
3 Pedunculate Oak Korczyn Borough, town of Węglówka circumference: 440 cm, height: 15 m, age: over 200 years old
4 Durmast Oak (Quercus petraea) Wojaszówka Borough, town of Rzepnik, nearby the old Ortodhox Church circumference: 570 cm, height: 20m
5 Douglas-firs (Pseudotsuga Carriere) (6 specimen) Wojaszówka Boroiugh, town of Odrzykoń, circumference: 228 cm, 258cm, 230 cm, 250 cm, 272 cm, 248 cm, height: approximately 30m, age: 80 years
6 Rocks formation (3 rocks) Korczyna Borough, town of Wola Komborska 1) 4.5 m x 3.5 m height: 5m
2) 5.5 m x 1.5 m height: 4m
3) 9 m x 1 m height: 3.5 m
7 "Maczuga" (Club) Rock Korczyna Borough, town of Wola Komborska circumference: 24 m height: 7 m
8 Rocks formation (6 rocks) Korczyna Borough, town of Wola Komborska length: 3 to 6m height: 2,5 do 3,5m
9 Rocks formation (15 rocks) including the so called "Konfederatka" Korczyna Borough, town of Wola Komborska length: from 2 to 5 meters, width: from 2 to 5 meters,height: from 2 to 7 meters,
10 Mieczysław Spring Korczyna Borough, town of Czarnorzeki 5 m x 5 m depth: 8 m
11 "Trzy Wody" (Three Waters) Waterfall in Kombornia Korczyna Borough, town of Kombornia, Kołaczyce Forest Inspectorate, Wola Komborrska Forest District, sec. 59a height: approx. 5 m

The Czarnorzecko-Strzyżowski Natural Landscape Park's uniqueness should be attributed not only to its environmental merits, but also to precious architectural monuments, especially churches, manors and palaces. Beauty of the Strzyżowskie and Dynowskie Highlands lies in perfect harmony of natural and cultural elements of the landscape. 

Tourists shall find wealth of enchanting themes in the very park and across bordering areas, namely: traditionally arranged and developed small cities with charming markets; villages with old pens and hamlets; isolated households located in high hill layers and surrounded by roadside shrines and crosses; cemeteries hidden among ancient trees; war-time tombs; wooden Catholic and Orthodox churches; manors and farms; mills and fullers; and traces of medieval settlements. 

Selected monuments 

Churches and church complexes:

  • Łączki Jagiellońskie - brick church from 1756, extended in the 19th century;
  • Gogołów - wooden church from 1672;
  • Frysztak - brick church erected in 1927;
  • Lutcza - wooden church erected at the turn of the 15th century, reconstructed after fire outbreak in the 18th century;
  • Kozłówek - brick church from 1877,

Cultural heritage of Zamieszańcy people, a non-existing Russian ethnic group, include Orthodox churches, currently embraced by Roman Catholic community:

    • Bonarówka - wooden Orthodox church from the 17th-19th century;
    • Rzepnik - brick Orthodox church built in 1912;
    • Oparówka - brick Orthodox church from 1912;
    • Czarnorzeki - brick Orthodox church from 1918;
    • Węglówka - brick Orthodox church from 1898;
    • Krasna - brick Orthodox church from 1917;


Palace and manor complexes with surrounding parks:

  • Wiśniowa - palace complex from the 16th – 18th century, reconstructed many times;
  • Łęki Strzyżowskie - palace erected in the 19th century;
  • Godowa - palace erected in approx. 1786, reconstructed in the 20th century;
  • Źyznów - palace constructed in the first half of the 19th century;
  • Kobyle - manor house built in the 1920s;
  • Łączki Jagiellońskie - manor house built in the early 20th century;
  • Kombornia - manor complex erected in the early 18th century;
  • Bratkówka - manor complex built in the 19th century.

The most interesting tourist sites include:

  • Ruins of the Kamieniec Castle on Odrzykoń and Korczyny borderland; early days of the stronghold date back to the 14th century; the museum available for tourists is located inside the castle;
  • railway shelters complex in Stępin and Cieszyn constructed during the World War II as a part of the "South District" Headquarters; interiors are available for tourists. Find out more at:


Tourist trails: 

Blue trail – leads from Dębica across Grudna Górna, Berdechów, Klonowa Góra mountain range, Bard and Chełm mountain crests, Chytrówka and Wiśniowa. Trail leads from Wiśniowa out to a long and wooded ridge of the Jazowa mountain range, running across Herby and Czarnówka. Then it descends to Rzepnik nearby the old Orthodox church and takes us to the upper village. Now it heads in the direction of the Wólka hamlet, intersects Polana and climbs up on the Królewska Góra (here it unites with the green trail) and leads us to the ruins of the Kamieniec castle’s. 

Green trail – runs from Strzyżów to the Brzeżanka's crest, here it leads us accross Bonarówka on the Czarny Dział mountain range. Then it passes through Węglówka village and runs up on the Królewska Góra (where it connects with the blue trail) and leads further to the castle boroughs on the Kamieniec hill with exquisite castle ruins. From the castle debris, it leads to Korczyny, runs across Korona hill and ends its run in Krosno.

Yellow trail – starts in Kołaczyce; runs across the park's area through Głogów, Huta Gogołowska, Bardo and ends in Czudec. 

Green Trail – runs from Frysztak across Kamienna mountains and Bardo to Brzeziny and further to Ropczyce.

Black trail – leads from Czudec across Babica, Połomia and Godowa on the Brzeżanka ridge, where it unites with the green trail. 

Black trail – leads from the Czarny Dział hill (from the place where it connects to the Green Trail) across Węglówka, Sucha Góra, Czanorzeka and ends its run in the Castle Boroughs, where it merges with the green trail again

Tourist, nature and educational trails:

  • "Przy zamku Kamieniec" (By the Kamieniec Castle) (length: 1.5 km);
  • “Czarnorzeki – Dział” (length: 1.5 km);
  • "Zamek Kamieniec – Prządki" (length: 1.5 km);
  • Pathway along the Marcinek Brook (Korczyna, length: 2.5 km);
  • Strzelnica – Sucha Góra (Czarnorzeki, length: approx. 2 km );
  • Strzelnica – Prządki (Czarnorzeki, length: approx. 1.5 km).
  • Ecological education trail (Cieszyna - Stępina) with the following footpaths:   
    • "Herby",
    • "Schrony"
    • "Chełm Mountain"

Bicycle trails:

  • Strzyżów – Brzeżanka – Wysoka Strzyżowska;
  • Strzyżów – Brzeżanka – Bonarówka – Godowa. (more information may be found at
  • Frysztak - Pułanki - Cieszyna - Stępina - Huta Gogołowska - Gogołów - Glinik Średni – Frysztak (more information may be found at
  • Wokół Kamieńca i Prządek (“Around Kamieniec" and Prządki"): Korczyna – Kamieniec Castle – Sucha Góra – Czarnorzeki – Dział – Kombornia – Korczyna
  • ”Śladami Zamieszańców” (Tracing Zamieszańcy people): Odrzykoń – Bratkówka – Wólka – Rzepnik – Węglówka – Odrzykoń (more information may be found at
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