

Liczba odsłon: 10688365


Grafika przyrodyOgromne leśne przestrzenie ( 65% powierzchni parku ) mozaikowo urozmaicają łąki i pastwiska. Las ukrywa liczne młaki ...

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Liczba odsłon: 10687814


Grafika rezerwatówRozporządzenie nr 64/99 Wojewody Podkarpackiego z dnia 31 sierpnia 1999r. Dz.Urz.Woj. Podkarpackiego nr 20 z ...

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Liczba odsłon: 10687945

Established in: 1992


Area: 25 288 H, including 19 129 H of forests and woodlands (76%), 2 633 H of meadows and pastures (10 %) and 1 766 H of arable lands (7%)

Location: Boroughs of Dukla (35% of the Park), Jaśliska (29 %), Komańcza (33 %) and Krempna (3%)

Jaśliski Natural Landscape Park protects eastern part of the Low Beskid - with Jasiołka and Wisłok rivers' water-head area. In the system of protected areas, the park acts as a link between the Magurski National Park, Ciśniańsko - Wetliński Natural Landscape Park and Bieszczady National Park. 
The park is located in the eastern part of the Low Beskid, which is most diverse in terms of landscape qualities. Extensive Kamienia massif located in the border crest overgrown with forests is the highest point towering over the park (859 m). In its western part, the crests descends towards the Beskid Pass (581 m) over the Czeremcha and Dukielska Pass (500 m), while its eastern part lowers close to the Jasiel and climbs up on another "frontier mounds": Kanasiówka (823 m), Pasika (848 m), Danawa (841 m) and Średni Garb (822 m), finally it descends down to the Łupkowska Pass (640 m). Western group of hills with distinct humps of Jasieniów between Polany and Olchowiec and frontier Studenny Wierch (702 m) contrasts with the north arm of the border mountain range which runs parallel to the Dukla Road and finishes at Tokarnia (695 m) and Ostra (687 m); and differs from the loosely-spaced Piotruś massif (728m) separated by a deep gorge of the Jasiołka River. 
Gorge of the Jasiołka River valley is one of the park's most interesting phenomena. This whimsical and rapid river marked the landscape with wild, densly overgrown oxbow lakes and backwaters on its wider sections, while in small passes carved rocky cliffs and stone water steps forming small waterfalls. Carpathian Flish structure may be closely observed in the park, particularly the so called: "hieroglyphs" of the dukielska unit, especially as extensive rock exposures, accompanied by interesting niches, landslides and rock scree fields are the largest in the entire Low Beskid. 
Interesting geological formations also occur on the crest section of Piotruś and Kamień mountains. The Piotruś range features natural outcrops of the so called "Mszanka sandstones" which show wide variety of sizes and shapes; caves and debris of old quarries. In the case of Kamień, forces of nature skilfully transformed ancient quarries into mysterious rock debris. 
The park's area is covered by vast, nearly primeval forests comprising mostly of typical and dense beechwoods. They are of unparalleled significance in terms of retention and water protection tasks, since the park houses the entire upper catchment area of the Jasiółka River (60% of the park) and part of the upper catchment areas of three local rivers: Osława with Osławica River (approx. 21%), Wisłok River (approx. 13%) and Wisłokia River (6%). Water balance is supported by vast areas of boggy meadows, peatbogs and contained swamps or “berezednie” as aboriginal Lemk people used to call them. 
Extensive patches of vegetation overgrowing the sacred spot of Jasielsk and the wild Kamień massif form the largest peatbogs in the Low Beskid (similar to those in the Bieszczady mountains), which are located in the highest layers and have unparalleled sizes in the entire Carpathian region. 

The park's vegetation is diversified in terms of floristic wealth and naturalness of plant communities. Flora of the Low Beskid mountain range is of transitional nature includes west-Carpathian flora species inhabiting the West Beskid and east-Carpathian species populating the East Beskid. Almost 76% of the area is covered by forests with natural plant communities. Carpathian beech which may be found in several sub-groups constitutes a predominant plant community on the park's area. Typical species populating these forests include, inter alia: Cardamine glanduligera, Symphytum cordatum, wood anemone, dog's mercury, Glechoma hirsuta, common male fern and Festuca drymeja. 
Grey alder wood (Alnetum incanae) complex takes up small areas of the park overgrowing riversides and larger brooks (e.g. banks of the Jasiołka and Wisłoka rivers). Lowland layer is covered by the oak-hornbeam forest in four sub-groups populated by Carex pilosa, hairy wood-rush, Festuca drymeia, yellow archangel and Europan wild ginger. Fir-tree mixed forest (both rich and typical), submontane ash riparian forest, self-sown alder forests overgrowing slopes and pre-crop communities on the post-arable lands (pine and spruce forests) were also found. 
Most important non-forest communities are represented by: complex of the false oat-grasses (Arrhenatherum elatius), Lolio-Cynosuretum pastures, indigent pastures, indigent meadows with mat-grass communities (Nardetalia), wet Cirsietum rivularis meadows, meadows growing on areas with high level of subsoil waters, peat bogs and xerothermic communities. 
According to previous floristic examinations, the park's area is inhabited by approximately 900 plant species, including 600 forest species. Mountaineous plants are represented by 82 montane species and 7 subalpine species. Vegetation is of transitional and diversified nature. 
West Carpathian species include mountaineous plants (Galium rotundifolium, Aconitum variegatum), plants populating forest line and higher levels, submontane plants (weeping sedge, northern giant horsetail) and subalpine species (Veratrum lobelianum, Doronicum austriacum). East Carpathian species are represented by Aposeris foetida, Aconitum degenii and Valeriana tripteris, while xerothermic plants include french rose, common gromwell, Nepeta pannonica, Staphylea pinnata and Alpine squill. 

The park's forest complexes are densely populated by a wealth of fauna species. Owing to their environmental advantages, forests belong to few refuges providing shelter for the variety of rare animal species. Species typical of primeval forests are possibly the most peculiar element of the park's fauna. The area is inhabited by large mammals, such as: brown bears, wolfs and lynxes. 152 animal species were found on the park's area; including 114 breeding species, 6 probably breeding species, 62 wintering species, 33 migratory species and 6 migratory-breeding species. Birds population is represented by relatively rare in Poland predatory species (golden eagle, lesser spotted eagle), owls (Eurasian eagle-owl, Ural owl) and black storks, three-toads woodpeckers and white-backed woodpeckers. 
Migratory trail of birds runs across the Dukielska Pass. 
Reptile species should be noted due to Aesculapian Snake and Cornella austriaca. Amphibians and reptiles densely occur in relatively large populations due to favourable living conditions (naturally transformed biotopes). Fish are represented by, among others: trouts (brown trout and rainbow trout), graylings, spirlins, common minnows and siberian bullheads. 
The park is inhabited by 10 bat species and valuable invertebrates, e.g. rosalia longicorn or great capricorn beetle. 
Sites that are most precious in terms of ecological advantages have been taken under the natural reserve protection. 
Inanimate nature sites, include: rock outcrops in Lipowiec, clusters of boulders and rocks on the Piotruś massif.

Nature Reserve on the area of the Jasliski Natural Landscape Park

No. Reserve name Area (H) Location Protection purposes
1 Wadernik 10.72 Dukla Borough Dukla Forest Inspectorate, Mszana Forest District Preservation for scientific and education reasons of the indigenous European yew communities.
2 Modrzyna 14.46 Dukla Borough Dukla Forest Inspectorrate, Barwinek Forest District Preservation due to scientific and educational reasons of indigenous Polish larch (Larix polonica) communities occuring in mixed forest stands with fir-trees.
3 Gorge of the Jasiołka River 121.32 Dukla Borough Dukla Forest Inspectorate, Daliowa Forest District Preservation of natural forest stands
4 Sources of the Jasiołka River 1585.01 Komańcza Borough, Komańcza Forest Inspectorate, Czystohorb Forest District, Rymanów Forest Inspectorate, Moszczaniec and Bieszczady Forest District Preservation due to scientific, educational and landscape reasons of natural plant communities overgrowing water-head areas of Wisłok and Jasiołka rivers.
5 Kamień nad Jaśliskami 302.32 Jaśliska Borough Rymanów Forest Inspectorate, Wola Niżna and Lipowiec Forest District Preservation due to scientific, educational and landscape reasons of physical composition characteristic for the Low Beskid, including hilltop and slopes of the Kamień mountain with overgrowing beechwood and beech-fir tree forest, interesting rock formations and unique marshes.

Nature monuments on the area of the Jasliski Natural Landscape Park

No. Mounument type Location Dimensions
1 European yew Komańcza Borough, Moszczaniec, Rymanów Forest Inspectorate, Szachty Forest District circumference: 31 cm, height: 3.5 m
2 Pedunculate Oak Komańcza Borough, Dołżyca, Komańcza Forest Inspectorate, Dołżyca Forest District, sec. 132d circumference: 355 cm, height: 27m age: approx. 250 years


The Jaśliński National Landscape Park is attractive not only thanks to its natural beauty, but also historic and cultural aspects, and in particular historic structures. Despite the turbulent history, historic structures preserved to this day constitute an important part of the Lower Beskid heritage.

Within the Park’s territory and in its vicinity you will find many exquisite views: wooden and brick Orthodox churches of the Lemks, villages with old farms, deserted valleys with small shrines and crosses by the side of the road, small town urban system, cemeteries surrounded by ancient trees and war-time graves.

Selected historic structures

Orthodox and Catholic Churches:

  • Daliowa - wooden Orthodox church from 1933
  • Jaśliska - brick Catholic church from 1724-32,
  • Olchowiec - wooden Orthodox church from 1932,
  • Polany - brick Orthodox church from 1905-1910,
  • Radoszyce - wooden Orthodox church from 1868,
  • Tylawa - brick Orthodox church from 1787,
  • Wisłok Wielki - brick Orthodox church from 1854,
  • Wola Niżna - brick Orthodox church from 1812,
  • Zawadka Rymanowska - wooden Orthodox church from 1855.

Secular folk architecture:

  • wooden peasant huts in Mszana, Polany, Posada Jaśliska, Radoszyce, Wisłok Wielki, Zawadka Rymanowska, and others,
  • examples of secular folk architecture most interesting for tourists are located in Zyndranowa; Museum-Heritage Park of the Lemks’ Culture is located here; the museum comprises dwelling/farm building, stable, pigsty, community hall, small granary, windmill, and a forge; the structures date to the turn of the 19th century; a collection of ethnographic, historic and military items is exhibited here;
  • in Olchowiec you will find a private Lemk Museum consisting of a farmhouse from the beginning of the 20th century with historical and ethnographical exhibition.

Jaślik small town urban system:

  • market square - centre of the old town established in 1366, located on the trade route from Hungary, for many ages the town with surrounding villages belonged to Roman-Catholic Przemyśl region bishops,
  • wooden buildings around the market square - Upper Lusatian houses, with their gable ends turned towards the square (the oldest ones from the mid-19th century),
  • baroque parish church of St. Katarzyna Aleksandryjska, inside Jaślińska Virgin Mary from 1634 believed to be miraculous,
  • numerous interesting shrines,
  • cellars – in the old days Hungarian wine used to be stored there (under the market and its surroundings).


Tourist trails:

Blue trail (cross-border:) leads through very attractive places in the Beskids (including "Sources of the Jasiołka River" - largest wildlife sanctuary in the Polish Carpathians), along the South boundary of the Park, through Barwinek, Czeremcha, Kamień massif, Jasiel, Kanasiówka, Pasika, Danawa, Garb Średni and Radoszycka Pass.

Green trawl: from Moszczaniec via Kiczera Długa, Kanasiówka, Pasika, Danawa, Garb Średni to Dołżyca (and further to Komańcza).

Green trail: from Tylawa via Ostra, Zyndranowa to Barwinek.

Yellow trail: from Tylawa through no longer existing villages of Smereczne and Wilsznia to Olchowiec (and further to Baranie).

Yellow trail: from Stasian via Piotruś mountain to Zawadka Rymanowska (and further through Cergowa to Dukla).

Tourist trails, nature and educational trails:

  • „Along the Hungarian trail” (Szklary – Jaśliska, approximately 3 km),
  • „W przełomie Jasiołki”(near Stasiane camping grounds, approximately 4 km, loop) (info

Bicycle trails:

  • established by the Dukla Council, runs partly through the Park, through Mszana, Ropianka, Olchowiec, Wilsznia, Smereczne, Tylawa, and others (info
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